๐‘ฌ๐™ก๐’†๐™˜๐’•๐™ž๐’๐™ฃ๐’”, ๐™›๐’‚๐™ง๐’Ž๐™ก๐’‚๐™ฃ๐’… ๐’—๐™–๐’๐™ช๐’†๐™จ, ๐’“๐™ค๐’‚๐™™๐’”, Township officers hear updates from Otter Tail County officials at Lida Town Hall meeting

by Louis Hoglund
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Township officers from throughout the West Otter Tail County farm and lake region gathered on March 21, nearly filling the Lida Township garage area. Lidaโ€™s inventory of chairs was exhausted, as every seat was filled. Foreground, officers of the township association, front to back, Mike McNabb, Lida; Vicki Severson, Svedrup; Peter Fjestad, Carlisle; and Greg Kugler, Friberg.