Call to Order
Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 in Council Chambers, City Hall.
Roll Call of Members: Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council Members Steve Strand, Shelley Gummeringer, Curt Markgraf, Don Perrin and Mayor Brent E. Frazier,
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun, Street and Parks Superintendent Brian Olson, City Engineer Bob Schlieman
General Attendance: Griffin Peck
Welcoming Remarks
Mayor Frazier welcomed everyone present and those joining via Zoom. He noted the meeting would be broadcast on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and on channel 14 on Wednesday evening.
Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Frazier led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Citizen's Comments
There were no citizen comments.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Strand moved to approve the agenda. Gummeringer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Mayor Frazier read the items on the consent agenda:
- Approval of Council Minutes – February 11, 2025
- Approval of Accounts Payable Listings
- Staff Reports including Financial, Utility and Liquor Store Report.
- Park Board Minutes – October 21, 2024 and Planning Commission Minutes – November 25, 2024
Markgraf moved to approve the consent agenda. Perrin seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
2025 Proposed Pool Rates and Wages
Lance Roisum shared 2025 pool rates and wages after consultations with Danielle and Brian, ensuring competitiveness with local pools. Daily rates range from $6 to $60, seasonal passes from $64 to $150, and swimming lessons at $25. Proposed wages include $22/hour for Aquatic Director, $17.50/hour for certified lifeguards, $17/hour for regular lifeguards and $15.50/hour for a Front Desk/Concession Attendant, if needed. Staffing discussions highlighted a need for 10-12 staff, with 2-5 lifeguards on duty. Pool hours will be Noon to 7 p.m., with lap swim 11 a.m. to Noon weekdays. Two family passes will be available at the Library, and 50 passes at Maplewood State Park to promote the new Aquatic Center. Summer parks staff wages will align with lifeguards at $17/hour.
Strand motioned to approve the rates and wages proposal, including the wage increase for summer park help. Gummeringer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
WCI Solar – Griffin Peck
Griffin Peck from West Central Initiative proposed solar panel installations for Pelican Rapids’ City Hall and Liquor Store. City Hall uses 61,000 kWh annually ($6,845 in costs); it projects $4,600 annual savings, with a 3-year, 3-month payback, totaling $153,452 over 30 years. The Liquor Store, consuming 79,000 kWh annually ($9,125); annual savings are $5,150, with a 2-year, 5-month payback and $162,533 saved over 30 years. Peck preferred installing at the Liquor Store due to the faster return. Approval was sought to include the project in a joint RFP for better pricing. Queries were raised on panel lifespan (30 years, 25-year guarantee).
Perrin moved to approve including the liquor store solar project details in the joint RFP. Gummeringer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing 5:00 p.m. – Facilities Plan for Underground Utility and Street Improvement
At 5:00 p.m., Mayor Frazier recessed the council meeting and started the public hearing for the Facilities Plan for Underground Utility and Street Improvement. Bob Schlieman from Apex Engineering outlined the plan targeting outdated sanitary sewers and water mains. The projected cost is $31-32 million, with phased implementation. The city will seek low-interest loans and possible grants from the Public Facilities Authority (PFA), aiming for up to 80% grant funding for sanitary sewers. While funding is competitive, previous proactive measures have secured funds successfully. No public comments were made. The hearing concluded at 5:20 PM, and the regular meeting resumed.
Motion to approve RESOLUTION 2025-04 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING FACILITIES PLAN FOR UNDERGROUND UTILIY AND SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS was made by Markgraf, seconded by Strand. (A complete text of this resolution is part of permanent public record in the City Clerk’s office.) Motion passed and resolution declared duly adopted.
Sherin Park Bathhouse
Lance Roisum presented an update on the Sherin Park bathhouse project. The initial design for a 6-bathroom facility was estimated at $600,000, which was higher than expected. They propose reducing the design to four bathrooms, with two on each side, and adding an ADA-compliant campsite to qualify for an outdoor recreation grant. The revised design cost would be an additional $7,850, bringing the total design cost to $34,600. The bathhouse would also serve as a storm shelter, and additional improvements include a sidewalk from the assisted living facility to enhance accessibility.
Markgraf moved to approve the increased design cost of $7,850 for the bathhouse project. Gummeringer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Street & Park Report – Brian Olson
Brian Olson, Street and Park Superintendent, provided a brief report covering recent snow removal efforts, which included hiring a contractor to clear downtown in one evening. Equipment repairs were made to the street sweeper and jetter. A water main break on SE 1st Street was scheduled to be repaired the following day. MnDOT regulations mandate that crosswalk signs should be placed in the center median and be removable. Additionally, there is a pressing need for more pool lifeguard applicants, as there are currently only three.
Strand moved to approve the street and park report. Perrin seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
PFAS Source Identification and Reduction Grant
Lance Roisum presented information on a PFAS Source Identification and Reduction Grant, explaining that the grant would help cover costs associated with new requirements for PFAS testing and management. It requires a 10% match, which can be met by accounting for employee time spent on testing. Additionally, the grant application process has been simplified through recent addendums.
Strand moved to approve applying for the PFAS Source Identification and Reduction Grant. Markgraf seconded. Motion carried unanimously
Administrator Report
Roisum reported that since the last City Council meeting he has worked with the Clerk and Mayor to set the agenda and prepped for the City Council meeting. He attended an EDC meeting and attended the Otter Tail Lakes Country Association member consultation. Roisum met with PeopleService and discussed the SIU Agreement, the Chloride Variance, the Lagoons, and the PFAS Grant from MPCA. He met with HOL Meats about the wastewater chloride levels. Brian and he met with Design Intent and Apex Engineering about the bathhouse plans. He also attended an Ordinance Committee meeting and met with area MCMA members. Roisum attended an EDA meeting, noting that the new EDA member is Curt Markgraf. He met with Danielle and Brian and discussed the pool rates and wages. Additionally, he attended an Otter Tail County Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee meeting and the Fire Department annual township meeting at the Fire Hall. Roisum worked with the City Attorney on the street vacation in the southwest and the QCDs needed to transfer two of the Industrial Park lots back to the City. He also attended a Pickleball meeting.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last City Council Meeting, he has; submitted weekly columns to The Press, visited with area businesses and non-profits, attended the Pelican Rapids Food Shelf Annual Meeting on February 13, attended a City of Pelican Rapids Ordinance Meeting at City Hall on February 19 with Clerk Harthun, Administrator Roisum and Police Chief Quaintance, attended the February 19 Pelican Rapids Economic Development Authority Meeting at City Hall, attended The Youths of PR Meeting at the Library on February 23, met on February 24 with Administrator Roisum to plan the agenda for this afternoon’s City Council Meeting and attended the Pelican Rapids Fire Department Township Meeting on February 24 at the Fire Hall.
Strand moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:42 p.m.. Markgraf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned.
Danielle Harthun,
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