January 23, 2025

The Pelican Rapids Board of Education held a regular meeting on December 18, 2024 in the conference room at the high school at 7:15 p.m. Board members present: Greg Larson, Molly Welch, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, Brenda Olson and Jon Karger.
Board Members Absent: None
Student Representatives Present: Maclain Hovland and Eduardo Sanchez Student Representatives Absent: None
Others Present: Brian Korf, Rudy Martinez, Emily Evenson, Laura Januszewski, Derrick Nelson, Cary Haugrud, Logan Knorr, Lizzie Brendemuhl, Eli Beachy, Cody Shaffer, Guadalupe Garza, PJ Breen, Lou Haglund, Andrew Sorum, and Rebecca Castillo.
The meeting was called to order at 7:23 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by Chair, Jon Karger.
Anne Peterson made a motion to approve the meeting agenda. The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried with all present members voting in favor.
Mrs. Anne Peterson - Your willingness to serve, time and support of ISD 548 is valued and appreciated. Thank you!
A. 2023-24 Audit Presentation - Courtney Richman from EideBailly (via Zoom) Truth in Taxation Presentation
Administrative Reports
A. Elementary Principal - Mr. Derrick Nelson
B. PRHS Principal Report - Mrs. Laura Januszewski
C. Student Board Representatives - Mr. Eduardo Sanchez & Mr. Maclain Hovland
D. Finance Director - Mr. Rudy Martinez
E. Superintendent - Mr. Brian Korf
Staci Allmaras made a motion to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:
A. Approve board minutes - November 13, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
B. Financial claims - November bills
C. Treasurer’s report
D. Accept Donations: Student Accounts - $100 - Laura Klimek; Viking Butikk - $100 - Laura Klimek; MacGregor Scholarship - $300 - Diane MacGregor
E. Personnel: Approve the resignation of Cris Molina as Special Education Paraprofessional at VES; Approve the hire of Luke Sjolie as Special Education Paraprofessional at VES
F. Early Childhood MOU
The motion was seconded by Molly Welch and carried with all present members voting in favor.
Jon Karger introduced the Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places.
BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 548, State of Minnesota, as follows:
1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 205A.11, the precincts and polling places for school district elections are those precincts or parts of precincts located within the boundaries of the school district which have been established by the cities or towns located in whole or in part within the school district. The board hereby confirms those precincts and polling places so established by those municipalities.
2. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 205A.11, the board may establish a combined polling place for several precincts for school district elections not held on the day of a statewide election. Each combined polling place must be a polling place that has been designated by a county or municipality. The following combined polling places are established to serve the precincts specified for all school district special and general elections not held on the same day as a statewide election:
Combined Polling Place: 
Pelican Rapids City Hall 
315 N. Broadway
Pelican Rapids, MN 56572
This combined polling place serves all territory in Independent School District No. 548 located in Candor Township; Dora Township; Dunn Township; Elizabeth Township; the City of Erhard; Erhards Grove Township; Friberg Township; Lida Township; Maplewood Township; Norwegian Grove Township; Oscar Township; the City of Pelican Rapids; Pelican Township; Scambler Township; Star Lake Township; Trondhjem Township; Otter Tail County, Minnesota; Cormorant Township; Lake Eunice Township; Becker County, Minnesota; Parke Township; Tansem Township; Clay County, Minnesota.
Note: See Section 2.3.2 of the Election Manual regarding changing polling places in the case of an emergency or if the polling place is no longer available.
*3. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 205A.09, the polling places will remain open for voting for school district elections not held on the same day as a statewide election between the hours of 7 o'clock a.m. and 8:00 o'clock p.m.
Note: See Section 3.6 of the Election Manual regarding certain restrictions on voting hours.
4. The clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the county auditors of each of the counties in which the school district is located, in whole or in part, within thirty (30) days after its adoption.
5. As required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 204B.16, Subdivision 1a, the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give written notice of new polling place locations to each affected household with at least one registered voter in the school district whose school district polling place location has been changed. The notice must be a nonforwardable notice mailed at least twenty-five (25) days before the date of the first election to which it will apply. A notice that is returned as undeliverable must be forwarded immediately to the appropriate county auditor, who shall change the registrant’s status to “challenged” in the statewide registration system.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Brenda Olson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Molly Welch, Brenda Olson, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, and Greg Larson.
and the following voted against the same: None
whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
Brenda Olson made a motion to approve and accept the 2023-2024 Audit. The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all present members voting in favor.
Jon Karger made a motion to approve the Levy Limitation and Certification Report 2024 Payable 2025 for the amount of $4,276,972.75. The motion was seconded by Anne Peterson and carried with all present members voting in favor.
Staci Allmaras made a motion to approve the Amended and Revised Joint Powers Agreement with the Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative. The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all present members voting in favor.
Anne Peterson made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all present members voting in favor.

Jon Karger, Chair 
Brenda Olson, Clerk