October 31, 2024

The Pelican Rapids Board of Education held a regular meeting on September 18, 2024 in the conference room at the high school at 6:00 p.m. Board members present: Molly Welch, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, Greg Larson and Brenda Olson
Board Members Absent: None
Student Representatives Present: None
Student Representatives Absent: Eduardo Sanchez, Maclain Hovland
Others Present: Brian Korf, Rudy Martinez, Cary Haugrud, Becky Wontor, Laura Januszewski, Derrick Nelson, Tess Hubbard, Steve Maresh and PJ Breen
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by Chair, Jon Karger.
Greg Larson moved to approve the meeting agenda. The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried with all present board members voting in favor.
Anne Peterson made a motion to table the Board of Education Superintendent Evaluation to the October 21, 2024 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all present board members voting in favor.
School Foundation
Technology Staff
School Board Members
Building Principals
Administrative reports
A. Elementary Principal / AD Report Mr. Derrick Nelson
B. PRHS Principal Report Mrs. Laura Januszewski
C. Student School Board Representatives Mrs. Laura Januszewski for Mr. Eduardo Sanchez & Mr. Maclain Hovland
D. Finance Director Mr. Rudy Martinez
E. Superintendent Mr. Brian Korf
Consent Items
Staci Allmaras moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:
A. Approve board minutes - August 22, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
B. Financial claims - August bills
C. Treasurer’s report
D. Accept Donations: Teacher Supplies - $600 Pelican Valley Living Center; Student Accounts - $100 - Laura Klimek; Viking Butikk - $100 - Laura Klimek
E. Personnel: Approve the resignation of Alejandra Rivera as Full-time Custodian at PRHS; Approve the resignation of Noemi Gutierrez as Special Education Paraprofessional at VES; Approve the resignation of Mayra Diaz as Part-time Evening Custodian at VES; Approve the hire of Annissa Berg as Special Education Paraprofessional at VES; Approve the hire of Alissa Eppard as Special Education Paraprofessional at VES; Approve the hire of Brody Seter as Special Education Paraprofessional at VES
The motion was seconded by Molly Welch and carried with all present board members voting in favor.
Business Items
Anne Peterson made a motion to Certify the proposed Tax Levy for the tax year 2024-25 at the maximum amount.
The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried with all present board members voting in favor.
Greg Larson made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Brenda Olson and carried with all present board members voting in favor.

Jon Karger, Chair 
Brenda Olson, Clerk