September 26, 2024

The Pelican Rapids Board of Education held a regular meeting on August 22, 2024 in the conference room at the high school at 7:01 a.m. Board members present: Molly Welch, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, Greg Larson and Brenda Olson (MicrosoftTeams)
Board Members Absent: None
Student Representatives Present: Eduardo Sanchez, Maclain Hovland
Student Representatives Absent: None
Others Present: Brian Korf, Emily Evenson, Rudy Martinez, Cary Haugrud, Becky Wontor, Laura Januszewski, Derrick
Nelson, Mariah Weishair, Sarah Haugrud, and PJ Breen.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 a.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by Chair, Jon Karger.
Greg Larson moved to approve the meeting agenda. The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried. upon a vote being taken. The following voted in favor: Brenda Olson, Molly Welch, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, and Greg Larson.
Anne Peterson made a motion to approve the 2024-2025 Student School Board Representatives: Maclain Hovland & Eddie Sanchez. The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried. upon a vote being taken. The following voted in favor: Brenda Olson, Molly Welch, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, and Greg Larson.
Summer Programming Staff
Summer Rec Coordinator & Coaches
Summer School Teachers &
Summer Special Education Transportation
RYLA Camp: Ms. Sarah Haugrud & Ms. Mariah Weishair
Administrative reports
A. Elementary Principal / AD Report Mr. Derrick Nelson
B. PRHS Principal Report Mrs. Laura Januszewski
C. Student School Board Representatives Mr. Eduardo Sanchez & Mr. Maclain Hovland
D. Finance Director Mr. Rudy Martinez
E. Superintendent Mr. Brian Korf
Consent Items
Anne Peterson moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:
A. Approve board minutes - July 17, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
B. Financial claims - July bills
C. Treasurer’s report
D. Accept Donations: Student Accounts - $80 - Laura Klimek; Viking Butikk - $80 - Laura Klimek; Syverson Strong Scholarship - $1545 - Harper & Beckett Peterson’s Lemonade Stand; In Memory of Uncle Ryan Syverson
E. Personnel: Approve the resignation of Kathryn Albright as One Act Play Director at PRHS; Approve the resignation of Florence Schmitz as Part-time ADSIS Interventionist at VES; Approve the resignation of John Eidsness as Varsity Girls Golf Coach at PRHS; Approve the resignation of Jenna Nava Pixley as Full-time Custodian at VES; Approve the resignation of Debra Courneya as Special Education Paraprofessional at VES; Approve the hire of Nadine Brown as Part-time ADSIS Interventionist at VES; Approve the hire of Richelle Richardson as Part-time ADSIS Interventionist at VES; Approve the hire of David Brown as Long-term English Substitute at PRHS; Approve the hire of Robin Swanson as Kitchen Worker at VES; Approve the hire of Parker Syverson as Junior High Football Coach at PRHS; Approve the hire of Richelle Richardson as Junior High Volleyball Coach at PRHS; Approve the hire of Jessica Weinrich as Junior High Volleyball Coach at PRHS; Approve the hire of Richelle Richardson as Varsity Girls Golf Coach at PRHS; Approve the hire of Special Education Paraprofessionals: Amber Henegar, Tara Thorson (Part-time); Approve the hire of Part-Time Custodians: Mayra Diaz (VES), Robert Diaz (PRHS), Mikel Vogel (VES)
F. Approve the MOU with Doug Bruggeman
The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried upon a vote being taken. The following voted in favor: Brenda Olson,
Greg Larson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Jon Karger, and Molly Welch.
Staci Allmaras made a motion to approve the VES Student Handbook 2024-25. The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Greg Larson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Jon Karger, and Molly Welch.
Greg Larson made a motion to approve the PRHS Student Handbook 2024-25. The motion was seconded by Staci Allmaras and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Greg Larson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Jon Karger,and Molly Welch.
Greg Larson made a motion to approve the Employee Handbook 2024-25. The motion was seconded by Molly Welch and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Greg Larson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Jon Karger, and Molly Welch.
Staci Allmaras made a motion to approve the Updated Master Calendar 2024-25. The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Greg Larson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Jon Karger, and Molly Welch.
Anne Peterson made a motion to approve the Truth in Taxation public meeting date - December 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
The motion was seconded by Jon Karger and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Molly Welch, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, and Greg Larson.
Anne Peterson made a motion to approve the first and second reading of the following policies: Policy 102: Equal Education Opportunity; Policy 104: School District Mission Statement; Policy 207: Public Hearings; Policy 413: Harassment and Violence
The motion was seconded by Molly Welch and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Greg Larson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Jon Karger, and Molly Welch.
Brenda Olson made a motion to approve the first reading of the following policies: Policy 416: Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing; Policy 504: Student Dress and Appearance; Policy 524: Internet, Technology, and Cell Phone Acceptable Use and Safety
The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Greg Larson, Staci Allmaras, Anne Peterson, Jon Karger, and Molly Welch.
Jon Karger made a motion to close the rest of the meeting for Superintendent Evaluation; Minn. Stat. 13D.05, Subd.3(a) with following adjournment. The motion was seconded by Greg Larson and carried with all board members voting in favor: Brenda Olson, Molly Welch, Jon Karger, Anne Peterson, Staci Allmaras, and Greg Larson.

Jon Karger, Chair 
Brenda Olson, Clerk