September 26, 2024

Call to Order
Roll Call of Members

Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 pm on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 in Council Chambers, City Hall. Clerk-Treasurer Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council members Steve Strand, Kevin Ballard, Steve Foster and Mayor Brent E. Frazier. Council Member was attending via Zoom to listen in.
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun, Chief Todd Quaintance, Jordan Grossman, Attorney Lindsay Forsgren.
General Attendance: Jon Perlich via Zoom, Gerry Henry Meg English and Kim Pederson from the Pelican Press were present.
Welcoming Remarks
Mayor Frazier welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those attending via Zoom. He reminded attendees of the meetings being broadcasted on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and channel 14.
Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Citizen's Comments
No citizens came forward for comments at the designated time.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
Add Hammers Construction Pay Request No. 13 and Hammers Construction Change Request No. 12.
Delete 4c1 Utility Report.
The following motion was made to approve these changes:
“Motion to approve the combination of the agenda modification was made by Ballard and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Approval of Consent Agenda
The consent agenda was proposed for approval, including minutes from the council meeting on July 9, 2024, the approval of accounts payable listings, city office candidate filings open from July 30 to August 13, and Household Hazardous Waste Day scheduled for August 7, 2024.
“Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Foster and seconded by Strand. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Gerald C. Henry Request
John Perlich: Addressed the council regarding an easement issue at 1 Industrial Park Drive on behalf of Gerry Henry. They claim there was an agreement put in place with the city over 30 years ago granting Henry an easement to use 1 Industrial Park Drive to access 9 Industrial Park Drive but there has been nothing in writing found. They requested either the rescindment of the land sale to Mr. Torres or the creation of an easement for Gerald Henry by the city.
Lindsay Forsgren: Provided legal context and concluded that the City Council could neither rescind the sale nor enforce an easement, advising the matter be settled between property owners through legal channels. She stressed that the discussion was a legal matter and did not require Council intervention.
Council Decision: The council took no action on the matter.
EDA Update
Yard/Exterior Improvement of the Week
An initiative to encourage residents to beautify their yards was proposed, with a weekly winner receiving a $25 gift card.
“Motion to approve the yard/exterior improvement initiative was made by Strand and seconded by Ballard. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Bridge Center Request
A request for $33,000 from city funds, designated for a community center, was discussed for the Bridge Center project. The decision was postponed until the August meeting.
“Motion to postpone the decision was made by Foster and seconded by Strand. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
SW City Residential Lots
The Council was briefed on the potential to develop city-owned lots into residential properties after retaining necessary stormwater retention areas.
“Motion to approve beginning the reconveyance process for the lots and request estimates was made by Foster and seconded by Ballard. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
EDA Officer Appointment
Alex Ohman from Faith Church expressed interest in joining the EDA board.
“Motion to approve the appointment of Alex Ohman was made and seconded. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Police Chief Job Description Revision
The job description for the Police Chief was updated to include the role of Emergency Manager.
“Motion to approve the updated job description was made by Ballard and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Police Personnel
New Hire

A conditional offer was extended for a new police officer, pending standard background checks and physicals.
“Motion to approve the conditional offer for the new hire was made by Strand and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Officer Iverson was promoted to Sergeant, following posted notices and interviews.
“Motion to approve the promotion was made by Strand and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Appoint Budget Committee
Councilman Foster and Mayor Frazier volunteered to serve on the budget committee.
“Motion to appoint Foster and Frazier to the budget committee was made by Strand and seconded Ballard. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Houston Pay Request No.1 for DNR 1st Street River Rock Project
A pay request for Houston Engineering for the DNR 1st Street River Rock Project was discussed for payment.
“Motion to approve the pay request of $2,799.29 was made by Ballard and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
LCSC Technology Services Agreement
An agreement for technology services with Lakes Country Service Cooperative for $1,800 was proposed.
“Motion to approve the agreement with LCSC was made by Strand and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
MnDOT Aeronautics Grant
Two grants from MnDOT Aeronautics were discussed:
To install a credit card reader for the fuel system project at the Airport.
“Motion to approve pursuing the fuel system upgrade was made by Strand and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”   
The A/D Building interior and Exterior project updates.
“Motion to approve the arrival-departure building improvements was made by Foster and seconded by Ballard. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
Midwest Regional Dam Safety Award
It was announced that the city received the Midwest Regional Dam Safety Award for the dam removal project. No action required.
Wastewater Treatment Agreement between WCT and City of Pelican Rapids
An agreement with West Central Turkeys was discussed to delegate responsibility for wastewater treatment as related to PFA loans. If the agreement is signed, interest on the bond will be saved.
“Motion to approve the agreement was made by Strand and seconded by Ballard. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion.”
PRAC Pay Request No. 13 for Hammers Construction - $222,654.33
The city council reviewed and approved the pay request for Hammers Construction for work completed on the Pelican Rapids Aquatic Center.
“Motion to approve to pay request No. 13 for Hammers Construction was made by Strand and seconded by Foster. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion. “   
PRAC Change Request No. 12 for Hammers Construction - $4,093.76
The city council reviewed and approved the change request for Hammers Construction.
“Motion to approve the change request No. 12 for Hammers Construction was made by Foster and seconded by Ballard. All members voted in favor, carrying the motion. “   
Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported that since the last meeting he has: worked with the Clerk and Mayor to set the agenda and prepped for the council meeting, attended the Hwy 59/108 construction, meetings and open houses, attended an EDC and an EDA meeting, met with West Central Initiative representatives about the possibilities of solar panels on city buildings, met with MCMA members for our monthly connect meeting, continued to work with the PFA to finalize funding for the Hwy 59/108 project, completed the Police Chief 6-month performance evaluation, completed job interviews for the open Police Officer position and the open Sergeant position with the Police Chief, met weekly with the Library Director and started addressing some of the issues brought up at the Library Board meeting, contacted the League of Minnesota Cities Collaboration Services for help with Library issues, met with Apex Engineers multiple times for multiple different projects, attended the Pinewood Estates preconstruction meeting, met with Jennie-O representatives about the Wastewater Treatment Agreement the PFA would like in place, attended a Planning Commission meeting because the Planning Commission will begin working on an ordinance to address the issue of commercial buildings being used for storage, met with Mentor Group.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last city council meeting he has; submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press, visited with businesses and non-profits, attended the 2024-2025 Complete Streets meetings at city hall on July 10, 17 and 24, facilitated the 2024-2025 Complete Streets public meetings at the library on July 10, 17 and 24 entered a vehicle in the Pelican Fest Parade on July 13, attended the Pelican Rapids Housing Steering Committee Meeting at city hall on July 15, attended the EDA Meeting on July 18 at city hall, attended a West Central Initiative Solar Meeting by Zoom at city hall on July 19 with Administrator Roisum, attended the Pinewood Estates Pre-Construction Meeting at city hall on July 19, attended the Ultra-Light Aircraft event at the Airport on July 20, met with Administrator Roisum and Eric Christ and Robert Gray of West Central Turkey’s, Inc. on July 24 regarding the wastewater treatment agreement between West Central Turkeys and the City of Pelican Rapids, conducted a Conversations with the Mayor at the public library on July 26 and met with Administrator Roisum on July 27 to plan the agenda for this meeting. 
“Motion to adjourn was made by Strand and seconded by Ballard at 5:46 p.m. All members voted in favor. The meeting adjourned.”

Danielle Harthun, 