Call to Order
Roll Call of Members
Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 in Council Chambers, City Hall. Clerk-Treasurer Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council members Steve Strand, Curt Markgraf, Steve Foster and Mayor Brent E. Frazier. Council Member Kevin Ballard was absent.
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun, Superintendent Brian Olson, Chief Todd Quaintance.
General Attendance: Elizabeth Wefel, Jordan Rasmussen, Kelly Januszewski, Scott DeMartelaere and Kim Pederson from the Pelican Press were present.
Welcoming Remarks
Mayor Frazier welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those attending via Zoom. He reminded attendees of the meetings being broadcasted on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and channel 14.
Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Citizen's Comments
No citizens came forward for comments at the designated time.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
Adjustments to the agenda were proposed; adding No. 17 City Park Tour Request - Jessica Shulstad, removing No. 5 PRFD New Hire – Shad Hanson, and remove the first bullet point under No.8 Change Request No. 11.
“Motion to approve agenda with the additions and deletions.” Motion by Foster, seconded by Strand, motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Consent Agenda
The consent agenda, which included approval of council minutes from June 25, 2024, accounts payable listing, and reports from the police department, was presented.
The following bills unpaid utility bills to property taxes:
Parcel: 76000990162000
Amount: $119.46
Parcel: 76000990107000
Amount: $120.96
Parcel: 76000990515001
Amount: $244.87
City office candidate filings open July 30 – August 13
“Motion to approve consent agenda items.” Motion by Strand, seconded by Foster, motion carried unanimously.
Coalition of Greater MN Cities Update - Elizabeth Wefel
Elizabeth Wefel from the Coalition of Greater MN Cities provided an update. She discussed various legislative issues and the outcomes of the latest session, focusing on EMS funding, bonding, and housing. The update connected issues of local focus with broader legislative actions.
Elizabeth Wefel then presented the “Legislator of Distinction Award” to Senator Jordan Rasmussen, applauding his contribution to the affairs of Greater Minnesota.
2024 Legislative Update - Senator Jordan Rasmusson
Senator Rasmusson gave an update on the legislative session. Key highlights included an EMS funding reform and a new pilot program in Otter Tail County. The senator praised the expediency and prioritization of commercial corridor construction and highlighted budget concerns for future fiscal years.
Council members asked questions and thanked the senator for his service and update.
PRAC Update - Kelly Januszewski and Scott DeMartelaere
Pay Request No. 12
Kelly Januszewski and Scott DeMartelaere provided updates on the aquatic center, focusing on ongoing construction and improvements.
Motion for Pay Request No. 12
“Motion to approve Pay Request No.12.” Motion by Strand, seconded by Foster, motion carried unanimously.
Pelican Valley Utility Easement
The utility easement was shifted south concerning its dimensions due to plan changes. The council approved the adjusted utility easement.
“Motion to approve the utility easement with adjustments in dimension and starting point.” Motion by Markgraf, seconded by Strand, motion carried unanimously.
Street and Parks Report - Brian Olson
Superintendent Olson updated the council on various street and parks activities. Contractors will continue their work on the TH 59/108 Project and there was fire damage to the bathhouse in Sherin Park. Notices will be delivered to residents along the parade route for no parking during those hours for safety reasons.
“Motion to accept the Street and Parks report.” Motion by Strand, seconded by Markgraf, motion carried unanimously.
Appoint Election Judges
Clerk Harthun provided the following list of election judges for the primary election: Kathryn Andrews, Danielle Harthun, Joyce Burnham, Steven Dennis, Andrew Bradrick, Dawn Lysaker, Kimberly Pierce, Steve Frendin, James Hoffe, Dave Ellison and Amy Schleske The council moved to appoint the judges as listed:
“Motion to approve the appointed election judges.” Motion by Foster, seconded by Strand, motion carried unanimously.
Reinstate Sergeant Position - Todd Quaintance
Chief Quaintance requested reinstatement of the Sergeant Position to enhance leadership within the Police Department. The position would be posted internally, and recommendations would follow.
“Motion to approve reinstatement of the Sergeant position.” Motion by Markgraf, seconded by Foster, motion carried unanimously.
Library Report
The Library Report was noted as included in the packet, but there was no detailed discussion.
Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported that since the last city council meeting he has: worked with the Clerk and Mayor to set the agenda and prepped for the Council Meeting, attended a pool construction update meeting, attended a donuts and discussion meeting hosted by MN National Bank, attended the Hwy 59/108 construction meetings and open houses, continued to work with the PFA to finalize funding for the Hwy 59/108 project, met with Mayor Frazier and Greg Stang and completed a draft of the PFAS Management Plan, worked with City Attorney Forsgren and Apex Engineering on the utility easement with Pelican Valley Senior Living for the deck drain pipe at the pool, attended with Jordan an open house with the Latino Economic Development Center at the Library, attended a Library Board meeting, met with Annie and started looking into some of the issues brought up at the Library Board meeting, met with Brian and Pelican Valley Health Center officials about their upcoming construction project and looked at some possible solutions to their lack of parking.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last city council meeting he has: submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press, visited with businesses and non-profits, attended the 2024-2025 Complete Streets Meetings at City Hall on June 26 and July 3, facilitated the 2024-2025 Complete Streets Public Meetings at the Library on June 26 and July 3, attended the PFAS Management Plan Meeting at City Hall on June 26 with Administrator Roisum and Greg Stang of PeopleService, partook in a live June 28 KFGO Radio interview at E. L. Peterson Park regarding the street project, entered a vehicle in the Erhard 4th of July Parade and met with Administrator Roisum on July 8 to plan the agenda for this council meeting.
A motion was made to adjourn:
“Motion to adjourn the meeting.” Motion by Strand, seconded by Markgraf, motion carried unanimously.
Danielle Harthun,
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