July 25, 2024

Call to Order
Roll Call of Members

Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 in Council Chambers, City Hall. Clerk-Treasurer Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council members Steve Strand, Kevin Ballard, Curt Markgraf, Steve Foster and Mayor Brent E. Frazier.
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum and Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun.
General Attendance: Tammy Bakken, John Waller III and Kim Pederson from the Pelican Press were present.
Welcoming Remarks
Mayor Frazier welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those attending via Zoom. He reminded attendees of the meetings being broadcasted on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and channel 14.
Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Citizen's Comments
Brent Frazier called for any citizen's comments. No comments were made.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
Mayor Frazier asked if there were any additions or deletions to the agenda. None were proposed.
“I move to approve the agenda as presented.” Strand moved, Markgraf seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Consent Agenda
The consent agenda, which included approval of council minutes from June 11, 2024, accounts payable listing, and reports from the liquor store, utilities, and financial reports, was presented.
“Motion to approve the consent agenda.” Markgraf moved, Ballard seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Recommendation for Variance
Tammy Bakken presented a request for a front yard setback variance for a residential property, citing challenges due to the layout of the drainage ditch and the curve of the road on Maplewood Drive. John Waller III informed Council that at the Planning Commission meeting they recommended Council approve the variance which would approve the East front yard variance would be 43’ at the narrowest property line and the North front yard variance would be 33’ at the narrowest property line.
“I move to grant the variance of 33 feet as shown in the drawing.” Foster moved, Ballard seconded, motion carried unanimously.
MnDOT Turnback Agreement for Hwy 59 Frontage Road Agreement
Administrator Roisum explained the State of Minnesota and City of Pelican Rapids Change of Roadway Jurisdiction Agreement for the state to release a portion of TH59 Frontage Road between County Road 9 and Golf Course Road. The state would provide funds to aid in this transition.
“Motion to approve the agreement to take over the road from the state.” Ballard moved, Markgraf seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Exhibit A
The exhibit showed the lay out of the Frontage Road.
Resolution 2024-10
The council discussed and reviewed Resolution 2024-10 relating to this agreement.
“I move to approve Resolution 2024-10 according to the updated details.” Ballard moved, Markgraf seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Utility Clerk Personnel Recommendation
After performing job interviews with Administrator Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Harthun recommended the hire of Tracy Goble as the Utility Clerk at step three, starting June 27.
“Motion to approve the hire of Tracy Goble at step three.” Ballard moved, Foster seconded, motion carried unanimously.
August 13, 2024 Cancel/Reschedule Council Meeting Discussion
Due to the state primary on August 13, Council discussed options to cancel or reschedule the meeting. It was agreed to cancel the meeting.
“Motion to cancel the August 13, 2024, Council meeting.” Strand moved, Foster seconded, motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported since the last council meeting he had; worked with the Clerk and Mayor to set the council agenda and prepped for the council meeting, attended a Department Head meeting, attended a pool construction update meeting, attended the Hwy 59/108 construction meeting and open house, continued to work with PFA to finalize funding for the Hwy 59/108 project and prepared the agreement with WCT, attended an EDC meeting, worked with City Attorney Forsgren and Apex Engineering on a utility easement with Pelican Valley Senior Living for a drain pipe at the pool, met with Mayor Frazier, Fire Chief Hanson and Dunn Township officials and residents about the possibility of a satellite fire station in the Pelican Lake area, met with Mayor Frazier and PeopleService and went through the draft of the updated NPDES/SDS permit from MPCA, conducted with Clerk interviews for the Utility Clerk position and worked on the PFAS Pollutant Management Plan.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last council meeting he has; submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press, visited with businesses and non-profits, attended a meeting with Administrator Roisum and Dunn Township residents at City Hall on June 13 regarding a satellite Fire Hall in Dunn Township, presented the Welcome in “English” at the Friendship Festival in Sherin Park on June 15, attended a Wastewater Permit Meeting at City Hall on June 18 with Administrator Roisum and PeopleService personnel and met with Administrator Roisum on June 24 to plan the agenda for this afternoons’ meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
“Motion to adjourn.” Strand moved, Markgraf seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Danielle Harthun, 