July 04, 2024

Call to Order
Roll Call of Members

Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 in Council Chambers, City Hall. Clerk-Treasurer Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council members Steve Strand, Kevin Ballard, Curt Markgraf, Steve Foster and Mayor Brent E. Frazier.
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun, Police Chief Todd Quaintance, Streets and Parks Superintendent Brian Olson, CEDA Rep Jordan Grossman.
General Attendance: Tom Pace, Patrick Patterson, Justin Fure, Dr. Zena Stussy, Roger Schleske, Everett Ballard, Matt Strand, Kathleen Hoover, Mike Carlson, Shad Hanson, Sarah Ehlers, Lana Grefsrud, Amy King, Doug Bruggeman and Kim Pederson from the Pelican Press were present.

Welcoming Remarks
Mayor Frazier welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those attending via Zoom. He reminded attendees of the meetings being broadcasted on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and channel 14.

Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.

Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Citizen's Comments
Doug Bruggeman reported on a successful Shada Shootout held this past weekend. There were many attendees at the event which brought a lot of people to the community.

Additions/Deletions to Agenda
No additions or deletions were discussed.
“I move the agenda as printed.” Motion by Foster and seconded by Markgraf. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda
The consent agenda consisting of the approval of Council minutes, accounts payable listing, Police Chief Report, Park Board minutes. The following liquor licenses: On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to Adrian Chavez as Proprietor for Taqueria Chavez and to certify an unpaid utility bill to property taxes for parcel 760009904515001 for $222.61.
“I move to approve the Consent Agenda.” Motion by Strand and seconded by Foster. Motion carried unanimously.

Park Region Co-op Back Road Access Improvements and Cost
Administrator Roisum discussed the backroad access issue that was discussed at the previous meeting. City Attorney Forsgren reviewed the legal description and going forward, the City will maintain one-third of the road and the city will take responsibility for one-third of the costs incurred so far. After a discussion, the council approved a payment of $1,500 towards these costs.
“I move to approve the payment of $1,500.” Motion by Strand and seconded by Markgraf. Motion carried unanimously.

Downtown Trees & Conduit
A lengthy discussion on the topic of planting trees in the downtown sidewalk area was had. A survey was conducted and the results discussed. Comments were taken from business owners, residents and area stakeholders. The final decision was to follow the recommendation of the beautification committee.
“I move that we not have trees between the roundabouts but follow the beautification committee's recommendations for trees north of the north roundabout and south of the south roundabout.” Motion by Ballard. Seconded by Strand. Motion failed: 2 Ayes (Ballard, Strand), 3 Nays (Markgraf, Foster, Frazier).
“I move to follow the Beautification Committee's plan.” Motion by Foster. Seconded by Markgraf. Motion carried: 3 Ayes (Markgraf, Foster, Frazier), 2 Nays (Ballard, Strand).
A motion to approve adding conduit for lighting was also discussed and carried.
“I move that we go ahead with the installation of conduit.” Motion by Ballard. Seconded by Foster. Motion carried unanimously.

Street & Parks Report - Brian Olson
Brian Olson provided an update on various topics including hydrant flushing, campground operations, and the pool project. Street work related to the roundabouts and water service were discussed.
“I move to approve the Street and Parks Report.” Motion by Strand. Seconded by Foster. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 2024-09; Approving Utility Water and Sewer Rates Annual Increase
Administrator Roisum explained the need for a 5% increase in utility rates to cover debt service for a 30-year PFA loan related to water and sewer main replacement.
“I move to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2024-09 APPROVING UTILITY WATER AND SEWER RATES ANNUAL INCREASE.” Motion by Strand. Seconded by Foster. Motion carried unanimously.

PRAC Pay Request No. 11 Hammers Construction - $478,793.23
The city council reviewed and approved the pay request for Hammers Construction for work completed on the Pelican Rapids Aquatic Center.
“I move to pay request No. 11 for Hammers Construction.” Motion by Ballard. Seconded by Foster. Motion carried unanimously.

Library Report
The library report was provided as information only.

Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported that since the last city council meeting he has; worked with Clerk and Mayor to set council agenda and prepped for the meeting, attended a Department Head meeting, attended pool construction update meetings, attended the Hwy 59/108 construction meetings and open houses, worked on an agreement with our Significant Industrial User (SIU) in regards to the Hwy 59/108 construction and the PFA funding, worked with City Attorney Forsgren on the Park Region temporary access expense request, attended an Otter Tail County Housing Convening meeting, met with Clerk and Gworks representative which is a utility billing/accounting software company, attended a Library Board meeting, talked with Maguire Iron about the water tower wash, attended an Otter Tail County Transportation Plan meeting in Fergus Falls, met with the ordinance committee and started going through Chapter 9 and attended a Housing Study Steering Committee meeting.

Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last council meeting he has; submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press for publication, visited with businesses and attended the 2024-2025 Complete Streets Project Meeting at City Hall on May 29 and June 5, facilitated the 2024-2025 Complete Streets Meeting at the Library on May 29 and June 5, presented the Welcome at West Central Initiative’s Building Foundations for Tomorrow’s Generosity at Thumper Pond in Ottertail, MN on May 29, conducted a Conversations with the Mayor session at the Library on May 30, attended the Pinewood Estates open house on May 30 at the Library, conferred with members of the Igesia Apostolica Pelican Church on June 3 regarding a temporary easement for utility construction on their church property, coordinated logistics with Mary Melroe on June 4 for the painting of 6 fire hydrants near our two schools on June 15 by the Walmart Academy, attended an Otter Tail Country Lakes Area Collaborative Zoom Meeting at City Hall on June 5 with Administrator Roisum and Jordan Grossman of CEDA, attended a ordinance meeting at City Hall on June 6 with Clerk Harthun, Administrator Roisum, Street and Park Superintendent Olson and Police Chief Quaintance, participated in a Zoom interview with Sarah Bien-Aime of WDAY Television on June 7 regarding the 2024-2025 Complete Streets Project, met with Administrator Roisum on June 10 to plan the agenda for this afternoon’s council meeting and attended a Housing Steering Committee Meeting on June 10 at City Hall with Administrator Roisum, Clerk Harthun, CEDA personnel, Minnesota Housing Partnership personnel and community members.

“I move to adjourn the meeting.” Motion by Strand. Seconded by Markgraf. Motion carried unanimously.

Danielle Harthun,